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Hear What Parents and Teachers Have to Say!

     Charlie has worked with our students in most subjects from grade 5 through grade 9.  He is a thoughtful problem solver and offered insights into student learning that help them work toward their learning goals.  He met students where they were and helped them to plan, organize, learn how to study and begin to be in charge of their own work.      


     Charlie was able to motivate and connect with students at a variety of learning levels. I felt confident referring any number of students to him as I knew he would help them find their path.  Over time, it was a pleasure to observe the academic confidence his students gained.  

Anne Meyer

Director of Learning Resources

The Allen-Stevenson School


     Charlie worked with our son Nick as a learning coach from 3rd grade to 8th. That relationship succeeded due to Charlie’s skill at inspiring our son to see in himself the unique intellectual strengths he brought to the table (literally, the dining room table) at each session. Charlie worked with Nick on developing strategies and organizational habits that still serve him well today. Charlie and Nick developed a rapport that was infused with humor, riffs on the Marvel Universe and pop culture as well as theater, and comedic scenarios they would explore to break up the sessions. Essentially, Charlie made learning how to learn fun.


     Not surprisingly, Charlie was also 100% reliable, always went the extra mile when there was a lot going on at school and when Nick needed some extra time to plan and get organized. There were times when things got hard for Nick and where the Manhattan private school pressure and time crunches reach a fever pitch, creating high stress levels for everyone. Charlie had a special way of deescalating the stress, devising “chunking” strategies to break up the myriad assignments and make progress toward the goals. He did this with great skill, using humor, real work-flow strategies and additional guidance for us, Nicks’ parents.


     Importantly, Charlie never did the work for Nick. He cleverly guided, supported and inspired Nick to believe in his own capacity to push through the tough moments and get to the other side of some challenging assignments. The lasting outcome of that strategy has given Nick agency to be the student who can navigate school challenges independently on most occasions.


     Charlie was a fixture in our family’s lives for many years and a very positive influence on our son. He has been a pleasure to know him. Any student would be lucky to have him in their corner as a guide and coach.

-Kenneth C.

Charlie was recommended to us by my son's (Christopher) school in NYC, where he was in the 6th grade. Charlie tutored Christopher for three years and we credit Charlie as being an integral part of Christopher's academic success. Charlie is incredibly smart, beautifully creative and empathically kind. He is patient, listens to what the student really needs and helps to strategize on achieving the students goals. 


After 3 years of tutoring, 3- 4 times a week, Charlie became a part of our family and we enjoyed sharing his own success in theater, film and now his new family! We still keep in touch with Charlie, even though my son is now in college (his first choice!), because when you find good people in life, keep them in your life. Charlie is definitely one of the good ones!

-Heather K.

     Charlie has tutored both of my children to great success. He started working with my son across his entire school curriculum, focusing on skills and executive functioning. Charlie was so effective that my son was admitted to a highly competitive boarding school and continues to thrive due to Charlie laying a solid academic foundation.

     My daughter needed help exclusively with math. Before working with Charlie, her school was concerned that she might have a math learning disorder. However, she was grasping math concepts in just a few sessions with Charlie. Three years later, she continues to work with Charlie and is a solid B+/A- math student.

     Charlie is patient and understanding and has the unique ability to be both the adult in the room as well as a sympathetic ear. Charlie contacts teachers to stay on top of lesson plans, test dates, and test grades which is a huge help. In addition, he communicates well with parents and is flexible with scheduling. I cannot say enough good things about Charlie as a tutor or a person. I owe much of my children's academic success to Charlie!

-Danielle S.

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